Today was the first full day on board. We woke up at 5:20, because our quarter had the daymen duty, which means we have to wake up earlier than the others to get everything ready. Our mess helped with catering, and I personally was in the bread room, where I helped prepare salads and other cold foods. We listened to music the whole way through, so although it was a long work-day from 6 am to almost 8 pm, it did not feel tedious and was really enjoyable. I was just happy I wasn’t working in the scullery, where two of my classmates were busy washing dishes. They were the last to finish with the workday because of the plethora of dirty dishes and cutlery. We were all done with our own jobs pretty soon after dinner except for them. None of us can have time off until the whole mess is done, so then from 7 to 8, there were around 6 of us packed into the small scullery rushing to get the dishes clean. Although we all disliked the task itself, it was nice that we were all doing our best to help each other, which kept our morale up.
We set up our hammocks right after being done in the scullery, after which we had free time. Some of my friends and I went to the library. We talked, played the guitar, and some of us played a game of cards. It was very hyggelig. We returned to the berth deck before the lights turn off, and my friend and I solved some Sudoku before falling asleep. It was a good first day.
/ Trainee no. 5
Today I woke up at 5:20 as the quartermasters waking up the daymen waked me up. I had to go to the bathroom so I decided to wake up early and grab a shower. I actually slept very good, probably because I spent a lot of time to adjust the hammock the day before. I could almost pack my hammock all by myself, but I needed help from a fellow student who knew the technique on how to tighten them correctly. After that, we had breakfast and morning muster. Half of our quarter were daymen, so my mess and I had to do practical work around the ship. We were getting provisions today so I spent all morning and some of the afternoon moving provisions. At the afternoon 3:15 muster, I was selected to do a tour around the ship for some MARTEC employees, some of which we already knew from the school. Shortly after returning to work, we had our evening muster and we got dinner.
/ Trainee no. 26
The first days on the training ship Danmark have been filled with a lot of interesting lessons. Both on cleaning and safety on board but also on schedules and the day to day life.
One of the most important lessons however was the lesson on how to go aloft (up in the rigging).
Going aloft is one of the things most of us trainees look forward to the most on board, so when we heard that we were going aloft on our third day on the ship our excitement went through the roof.
To be able to go aloft safely we got one very important lesson first, to get us acquainted with the gear we use to go up in the rigging. Having completed the first lesson and the pull-up test it was time to go aloft!
One by one we went up to the first platform, called the top. At one point it got kind of crowded up there with eight people and after enjoying the view and almost freezing because of the wind we went down again. Then we went up even higher to the second platform, the crosstrees. After getting to know the rigging up there a little bit it became time to go onto one of the yards (the thing horizontally attached to the mast holding the sails) for the first time. In order to do this, taking some big steps up there is necessary. This was probably the scariest thing for most of us to try. In the end however we all made it.
After dinner and evening lessons it becomes time to hang up our hammock. With 20 people at the same time this is quite a chaotic happening but every day this becomes easier and easier. Then at 22.00 it is lights out and time for bed.
/ Trainee no. 53
Today has been my first really hands-on day – and I loved it! As Daymen we’re doing all the dirty stuff. Today a big delivery of cold provisions arrived at the quay. And as the good Daymen we are, we helped 1st quarter with bringing all the big boxed on board. The way we do provision-delivery is in chains, so you’re not walking with the boxes, but giving it to the next person in line. By this way, we moved 5 tons of goods. Everything from beef and fish, to flower and milk. So now I hope we’re ready for many days at sea. Although this sounds like a long and tough task, it’s an opportunity for practicing over singing-voices. We were singing all the songs we knew, until all the pallets were empty. As Daymen I also got the noble chance of making some of the practice wire, we’re later going to use for practice splicing. Easy job of cutting 180 cm of wire times 42! In that way the first 6 hours flew away.
Lunch today was greek-themed, and we were served a lovely moussaka made by my beloved quarter-mates in the galley. Happy and full we continued as Daymen. Me and my mess-mate were handed the exciting task of attaching the Main topmast staysail on the ship. So by ‘sewing’ each hole to the buckle around the stay. We were lucky by the weather. The sun shined most of the time, and the wind was mild. So after dinner we could give each other a hug and be proud of our creation. We also learned how to stow the sail, as a little extra gift. But I can tell you – I was ready to go to sleep. I just needed to call up my mom, so she can bring the last few things I need before takeoff. Today is the only day we were handed out phone, so we had to use it wisely. Before I knew it I were laying in my hammock and bobbling away.
/ Trainee no. 62
The departure from Frederikshavn
Today was the big day our voyage truly started for us DANMARK Trainees. Getting the ship ready for departure was a hard task but with so many hands it went really smooth. When we finally left the port we waved our goodbyes to the parents waving on the quay side. There was close to no wind and the sea looked like a mirror. Right after we entered the open sea the tasks were divided. My quarter was on watch during the day. This means we had to keep a lookout, engine watch and have someone at the helm at all times. When it was my turn at the helm everybody started coming up to me and taking pictures of me. Or so I thought. I asked someone what was going on and before they could finish speaking the loud roaring of a helicopter brutely interrupted him. It was the Danish air force showing off. The helicopter dropped off 2 Search and Rescue operators on our deck. They held a talk for the trainees about their jobs before the helicopter returned once again to pick them back up. The day continued on and we put up a few sails to see if they were bend on proper ready to set.
/ Trainee no. 24
The day started really early, as we got woken up at 01:45 to be ready for our night watch from 02-04 am. During the night, everyone has to get up at some point to be ready on deck to set the sails, or be on duty and watch. We had relatively rough weather, and some in our quarter was still quite seasick, but when on duty, you muster, so they still got up and helped brace the sails. Love their spirit <3
I was in a really good mood during the night watch, so I was singing while doing tasks, and making up small jingles for our different activities. We got to bed at 4:20, where we afterwards had to get up again at 5:20, to shower before we were daymen. (The daymen are the people responsible for cooking every day for the whole ship).
I was in the bread room/cold kitchen, so me and another trainee was the whole day below deck cutting up fruits and vegetables with the cook while jamming along to pop hits from the 2010’s. The weather today was fantastic, so I used every chance I had to be on deck and enjoy the sun, so when I got the option to help another trainee with cutting up cauliflower and broccoli outside, I quickly said yes. The sea was also relatively calm, but the waves were sharp, which made the ship roll a lot on the waves, so being on deck also helped a lot on the small “sea dizziness” I got below deck.
During our meals throughout the day, the rest of my mess slowly got better from their seasickness from meal to meal, so it was really nice seeing the mood at table go from silent and low appetite in the morning, to having a loud and funny conversations and storytimes from the last 4 days’ while eating the food, we cooked ourselves, and seeing the formerly seasick people get their appetite back.
When we were done eating dinner, we began cleaning up the kitchens and finish our day as daymen.
Our mess was super quick and efficient, and especially our scullery (dishwashing team) was super-officient so we finished off our day at 20:00. I put up my hammock as the first thing, when we got down to our berth decks, getting everything ready for bed, before me and one of my friends went up to the front of the ship- the forecastle, where we sat and enjoyed a fantastic night sky while listening to music on a cassette player and winding down from a very long day. Got to bed at 21:00 bracing myself for the next nightshift at 4:00 in the morning. The ship never sleeps, so we don’t either. Goodnight from 3rd mess.
/ Trainee no. 21
Vi er nu nået til fjerde dagen her til søs og kommet rigtig godt på vej.
Livet til søs er et helt andet liv, end det langt mere ordinære liv på land. Det tør jeg allerede godt at sige efter så kort tid i mit nye liv her ombord på DANMARK.
Selvom dagene her godt kan lyde ens, med den samme udsigt og stadig samme mål, så sker der altid et eller andet nyt og spændenDe.
I dag er første rigtige dag med lidt vind og ordentlige bølger. Det er dejligt at endeligt at kunne se sejlene ruske og roret sige dig imod. Så begynder følelsen af en rigtig sømand at komme frem i en.
Dagen, i dag, har allerede budt på flere oplevelser. Solen der er begyndt at varme på dækket, og den hollandske kystvagt, der flyver lavt forbi os et par gange. Man ved aldrig hvad dagene bringer her ombord på smukke DANMARK.
Vi er nået ned til Holland, og i morgen vil vi prøve at se, om vi kan snige os ind i den engelske kanal. Det lyder dog til, at vejret ikke er helt enig i, at vi skal igennem her i morgen, grundet en vind fra vest. Derfor kan det ske at vi må ligge for anker, indtil forholdene bliver mere passende for os.
Generelt ved vi ikke rigtig, hvor vi er henne. Vi har måske en nogenlunde en ide, hvor vi ca. befinder os. Det er kun når vi engang imellem spørger eller kigger ind på broen, vi kan lokalisere os. Udsigten er ellers bare blå, hvilket jo heller ikke er helt dårligt.
/ Trainee no. 54
Hello from English waters!
We’ve spent the whole day today at anchor, waiting out some pretty hefty winds going east through the English Channel. The water here around is astonishing light-blue-turquoise in the sunlight, as the chalk from the nearby cliffs gets mixed with the sea. It would look almost tropical, if it was a bit more translucent. From where we lie, we can see all the lights from a nearby town, which sits atop of the aforementioned white chalk cliffs. The chalk cliffs remind me of Møns Klint, and I suppose they must be a smaller sibling to the famous White Cliffs of Dover. If we go to the Foc’s’tle, and use the binoculars there, we can see the town closer. Facing seaward, there’s a long chain of Tudor-like three-story row houses painted blue and white. It looks just like a real ol’ harbourtown. According to the captain, this nice town is just called “England”. Between you and me dear reader, I really appreciate that we are blessed with a captain so gifted in geography.
My own day started out rather hectic. We’ve been daymen, meaning that we’ve helped out in the Galley, Breadroom, Crew’s Mess and Scullery. Most of my mess weren’t woken up on time because of a misunderstanding, so it was only another mess member and I, who were able to help the cooks with the initial breakfast. I don’t think we’ve ever baked buns quite as fast! Luckily the rest of our mess were really good to get up, and though groggy, we got the all of the breakfast prepared in time.
I don’t know whether you know, but we eat really well here at the ship. Breakfast usually consists of porridge, oats, cornflakes, yoghurt, ryebread, buns, cheese, marmalade and coffee. If it’s Sunday, we even get scrambled eggs and bacon!
The rest of the day was spent in the Scullery, where we wash all of our dishes. I think it’s a very nice place, great view and there’s always something to do, even though the machine likes to act up. Honestly, I think it just wants a bit of attention. Everything went relatively smooth until around three-break when we were told that we’d had to ration our freshwater, since our watermaker couldn’t use the seawater from the channel to make drinkable water. Our baths have therefore been restricted to a quick one every third day, and we now have to pre-wash all of our dishes in seawater, instead of using the hot freshwater from the Scullery. For dinner we had Confit Canard, and it was quite a trick getting the duck fat off the plates using cold seawater. The task almost got the best of my scullery-companion and me, so it really warmed our hearts when a handful of people decided to help us out. I’m so very grateful that so many of our shipmates decided to voluntarily give a hand, even though it was a cold, nasty and greasy job. I hope they know that they didn’t just save all our dishes, but also our evening and sanity.
With their help we could finish our job in relatively good time, all things considered. The deck buzzed with activity all evening, at the Foc’s’tle there a voice training session/shouting competition was held, and beneath the Galleyhouse roof, the first Engine Choir meeting was held. We in the Scullery couldn’t participate, but it was quite nice to hear during our work.
According to the plan, we will sail again next Wednesday, but that’s just if the weather forecast holds true. The winds are quite strong right now, and I’ve heard they’ve been some 18-22m/s.
I’m very exhausted, but happy that we managed to finish all of our work. I’ll go to sleep now, and say a little prayer for better winds and more freshwater in our tanks.
/ Trainee no. 71
Friday was early for us. Woken up by the quartermaster, in a silent way, not waking up the rest of the mess. Then getting in the daymen morning routine. Showering and getting in the working clothes. I was in the scullery, and my mess elsewhere, making sure the ship will receive fresh food again today. The scullery is not a busy place in the morning. No dishes yet. Just slowly getting started, I hear someone yelling "DOLPHINS!". I drop everything, rush to the forecastle, where the lookout has seen dolphins. It takes a while for me to spot, since i don't have any night vision, and the sun has not risen yet. But then I see them, playing in the waves in front of the ship. Looking up, the sun is slowly rising, and the ship is starting to wake up. What a view. On the forecastle some trainees are getting ready to drop the anker. We have to wait for a weather opening to travel safely all the way through the English Channel. I am fine with that.
Nights at anker means less night watches, but also not moving, and that is a bummer. Better safe than sorry though, especially at sea. Safety really is number one priority onboard. Coming into the anker spot, we are welcomed by a view you would not expect from an english coast. An amazing bay, having hills with houses, beaches, cliffs both red and 'cliff-color, and exceptional houses. Looking almost like a spanish vacation spot, I am sure its booming in the summer. Right now it's cold though, and there were not anyone at the beach. But there were people. We know, because quite a few boats wanted a closer look, and came sailing around the Danmark. I am sure it is not a common view for the people living in the bay to have a tall-ship at anker. The dinner was a very nice dahl, made by my mess. For me, the day ended with a lot of dishes. For some the day has not ended yet, and others are already at sleep.
/ Trainee no. 45
Hello out there, trainee number 67 here. Today I’ve been on sail-watch with the rest of the mess. We were ready at about 06:00, where we only had a few hours of sailing before laying anchor somewhere in the southwest of England. We haven’t really been informed about the place other than “it has land on three out of four sides which makes it nice for laying anchor” as the captain put it yesterday. And it has really been nice here so far. The three sides of land are tapered with white houses with small pleasure boat harbors spread throughout. Some of these pleasure boats with the English flag on the back has also sailed close by us, and when they got close enough, a wave from them to us was answered with a wave back. We have also been greeted by a few English crows, who welcomed us by perfectly hitting one from our mess on top of the head with some bird poop. A nice and calm first day here at the anchor place.
/ Trainee no. 67
With sore hands, from today’s sail handling, I am writing from my berth deck. I am sitting at the table under the hammocks were some of my friends are already sleeping. In front of me is the whiteboard we normally use for teaching. It says: “HAPPY BIRTHDAY KLARA <3”.
Some of the crew told me early in the voyage that the birthdays were something special here on sea. But today I got to try it for myself and this has sure been a birthday to remember!
It all began at 5:40 where we were woken up by Magnus from 2. Quarter. Today was yellow day which means ‘daymen day’. I was on sail watch and I was very excited to finally do a lot of sail handling on deck! The morning was tough because of the waves and the weather. It was dark and cloudy with a lot of wind. That equals seasick people and therefore a bit chaotic atmosphere on deck. All though we were only four trainees to handle the sails in the early morning, we managed, and felt very cool afterwards.
At five minutes to 8 there were called “Op fra banjerne”, which means that all trainees are going to muster at the main deck. When you have birthday on DANMARK you always get a birthday song from your fellow trainees and crew. I always get woken up by my family singing happy birthday, so that meant a lot to me.
Throughout the late morning the clouds disappeared and right when Gerd, Munem and I were told to go aloft to set the Fore course on the fore mast, the sun peaked out and I really enjoyed that. The waves were still huge and the feeling of the ship tilting gets a lot more intense when you are aloft. From up there we experienced the waves washing over the ship from a whole new (and dry) perspective. We also saw dolphins right before we went down.
In the break I was surprised by my quarter who stood on the deck singing with big smiles, coffee and birthday cake made by Christel in the breadroom. I felt very grateful.
The rest of the day went by very fast and suddenly we were eating some very delicious bao buns ending the day with the night off.
Now it is time for me to join the others in the hammocks that are moving to the rhythm of the sea. Goodnight
/ Trainee no. 41 Klara
Good evening from the Bay of Biscay, where today started off quite early. Only 7 hours after our night watch ended we got woken up, at 5.20 this morning as you do when you are daymen. But it is all worth it as we get to shower on yellow days, since the time at anchor there has been a restriction on showers, to only on blue and yellow days. Whereas before the showers were unlimited.
The shower this morning was extra interesting as the ship was rolling quite a bit. ‘One hand for the ship and one hand for yourself.’ Was definitely an important rule of thumb this morning. As daymen all of us get split up into pairs doing our own part in making sure the ship runs smoothly from below deck. Today I, nr. 46, and Halfdan nr. 60 were in the crewmess, which means you make sure that the meals are ready for the crew and the table is set so they can eat efficiently. We also get to wash the laundry for our entire quarter.
After a few days of light winds we have finally been getting a bit more wind, which sadly means the taking in of some of the sails. As our knowledge and understanding of lines and sail handling is getting better we are able to use more sails, so we are busy bending on the last staysails. I today saw the sail I spent yesterday from 10 in the morning till 5 in the afternoon bending on get test hoisted. And there were no mistakes, it ran smoothly. I felt very lucky and happy to see that I did that work - making the use of that sail now possible.
We are nearing us the end of the Bay of Biscay, currently sailing a whopping 9 knots which will have us out of the Bay of Biscay by nightfall and in Madeira by the 5th of December.
/ Trainee no. 46
A sunny day on the Training ship of Denmark
Today we started our day early, as sail watch. I am now getting used to getting up early, or at least I’m getting better at it. So after 5 minutes snoozing, I’m bit in a hurry, but I managed to be there on time. Not all prepared, but I was there, awake!
I’m starting to like being a sail watch, because I’m starting to know all of the 100 lines, that we have to know. Today was an amazing day, with a lot of sunshine and small waves, we sat almost all the sails, and braced them, so we now only are sailing by the wind. It is a fantastic feeling, being the one to hoist the yards and knowing that, me and all the other trainees are getting this ship towards south. Also we have now reached the border of Spain, and we are out and a live from The Bay Biscay 😉
Today I also got the job of being a duty trainee, so I spend a lot of my time being on the bridge with the mate, plotting in courses, ringing the bell and keeping an eye on the helmsman If he was going in the right direction. I really loved that job, having an overview in the bridge wing, on all the thing that is going on, on the ship.
Now a beautiful sunny day has come to an end, and hopefully more many days of these are yet to come.
/ Trainee no. 36
My day began at two o’clock in the morning. My mess and I, was woken up for sailwatch, and had to brace the sails. We went into the rigging and because of our limited experience, it took us two hours to secure the sails on the yards. Those two hours of nightwatch were cold and the rain was sprinkling in our faces, but no rain could take away the beauty of the stars. Since there very little light pollution on the water, the stars were clear and brighter than ever. I even saw a shooting star and wished for no more seasickness in my mess (my wish has already been fulfilled, and therefore I dare to tell you).
Most days are full of learning and productivity. On behalf of all who has been seasick, I must admit it is hard learning, when concentrating on not to vomit. It is a pleasure to tell you, that the seasickness has lessened, even though some still struggle.
We went back to our hammocks at four am, and slept until 5:30. I cannot say that it is always pleasant to wake up, but my hammock neighbor has just started this habit of hymning gently, which is rather comfortable.
During the day the sun was out, and we got to do a lot of exciting tasks.
Throughout the days we are learning subjects of such range of variety, that everybody gets to be good at something. Personally, I enjoy navigation and practical seamanship the most. I am very fond of repairing things myself, and I love how dependent we are of our craftsmanship skills and creativity.
In the last couple of days, the maintenance team has been visible and audible all over the ship. Trainees in deep blue boiler suits with sandpaper and brushes has been working on deck. The sound of the chipping hammer rustbusting has somehow already become normal. On board the ship, all trash has to be sorted carefully to limit the smell. All biological trash can be thrown overboard, if it gets separated into small pieces by a machine we call “the smoothie-maker”. Therefore, the we have to sort the biological trash, to make sure there is no plastic in it. All tasks, even the ones that might not be the most inspiring, are satisfying if it is meaningful, and is completed with friends.
The thing that is making the biggest impression on me, is how we all adapt and accept the uncontrollable. The weather and nature are forces so strong and full of contradictions, that it is impossible not to be amazed. We are dependent on the wind, that cannot be to powerful nor vague, if we want to sail.
It can be difficult being on the training ship DANMARK. It is quite a change for most people, being this physically and socially close to your fellow trainees all the time. Even when I go to sleep in my hammock I have friends touching both my left and right shoulder. I believe most people feel this way, and it is not uncommon to see a lot of people reading in their books, to get some time alone.
The sunsets and sunrises onboard are beautiful. When they are at their prettiest, people gather on the forecastle in between tasks to appreciate the colors of the clouds. It is curious to think about how many sunrises and sunsets it is possible to watch in your lifetime. At home there seems to be less time for this, which I regret.
I am really grateful for all the people I have met, and all of my new friendships. I have made some great friends, and as a result of being together 24 hours a day, we are rapidly becoming pretty close.
I look forward for tomorrow and all the things I get to experience.
Goodnight from
/ Trainee no. 6 Maja
Hello from the deep blue sea.
Sitting and looking back at today gives me a feeling of gratefulness and a longing for the sweet hug of my hammock. Our mess (10 people) were daymen today doing various tasks in the food department of the ship. I and another trainee were assigned as crew daymen, which implies helping out with the food for the crew, cleaning and doing the quarter's laundry.
It is often that every new day upon this vessel brings a new experience, as we all get used to being on the Danmark and her ways of sailing. Today a highlight was seeing beneath the water through the, what I mistakenly used to call windows, but politely were corrected to call "port holes" by our chief mate, whenever a wave hit it. The water here many nautical miles outside of Portugal is very clear, and extremely dark blue, so you got a unique insight to what feels like another world. You feel a bit like a mermaid together with the sound of the gurgling sea and it is quite amusing to see everybody gathering in front of the little portholes.
With "Under the sea" playing in my mind, we went on with the day, whizzing about the ship ticking off tasks.
You can feel the temperature slowly getting milder. When walking about the ship with the sun peeking out from the clouds it feels as if spring is just behind the horizon.
And we enjoy it to the fullest! As we trainees are getting more and more into the routines of maintenance, the ship has become alive like never before. While being properly protected (#wearesafety), thanks to Karina, our 2nd officer, the sound of banging and scrubbing and the smell of paint, stubbornness and ambitions fills in the air, as the ship becomes new again.
A lovely day. Until...
The Stegt flæsk with Persille sovs (The Danish national dish - roasted pig belly with parsley sauce) hit us daymen, like the south-western side of a low pressure.
The dishes kept coming and the fat was never ending.
But as each team finished their tasks, everyone collected in the galley (the "kitchen") and scullery (dish washing) to wash, scrub and rinse. Through the magic of collaboration, singing Shakira and silliness we managed and everything got clean, ready for a new day tomorrow.
It is extremely forfilling and brings a lot of joy to me to experience these moments. Sailing with a training ship includes setting the sails and learning your knots and lines, but what lies behind, is what it is all about; The team work, the uplifting of each other and pulling through tough times and challenges - together.
I will sign off now. Hope you are doing good at home❤
Ps. Happy birthday big brother, Tillykke med fødselsdagen!! I hope you will get to eat good pancakes. If you listen carefully you might be able to hear me singing for you from out here❤
/ Trainee no. 59
Som elev på skoleskibet DANMARK, starter eller slutter dagen altid med en nattevagt. Heldigvis sluttede dagen i gårsdagens nattevagt kl 22, så vores skifte havde mulighed for at sove hele natten igennem, hvilket er fantastisk, når man skal vågne op til en hel dag med sejlvagt og catering.
En stor del af dagen er gået med at øve knob med kvartermestrene, fordi vi har vores eksamen i knob og stik i morgen tidlig. Her bliver vi testet i de omkring 20 knob og stik vi skal kunne binde. Testen foregår ved at vi skal binde et knob på den samme tid det tager et besætningsmedlem at binde det to gange.
Derudover har vi også brugt tid på at trimme sejl, så vi kunne gå så tæt til vinden som muligt. Jeg kan virkelig mærke at vi også bliver bedre til at arbejde med sejlene, vi er blevet hurtigere, bedre til at kommunikere, og har fået en større forståelse for hvordan alting fungerer. Tilsammen gør det at det er meget sjovere at håndtere sejlene.
Derudover har jeg også kravlet lidt rundt i riggen for at øve mig, da jeg lige er blevet godkendt til at være deroppe. På grund af sikkerhed kræves det nemlig, at man kan tage to pull-ups før man må klatre i riggen. Omstændighederne for at være i riggen er dog helt perfekte lige nu, med det helt blå vand, det solrige og varme vejr, og det rolige hav.
Der er virkelig intet som at være på søen, hvor alt bare går langsommere og er mere roligt. Selvom jeg savner familien og vennerne derhjemme, så nyder jeg virkelig afbrækket fra den normale hverdag og følelsen af at være en del af livet og driften ombord sammen med 94 andre mennesker.
/ Trainee no. 58 Noah
Halli halløjsa alle sammen
I dag var vi så heldig at få togtet første rigtige ”Seaman Sunday”. Jeg var daymen i crew mess, så jeg fik æren af at servicere besætning hele dagen, næsten. Vi blev vækket kl. 5.20, også var det hurtigt i bad inden dagen for alvor begyndte. Til morgen-mønstring blev vi fortalt at det var en ganske speciel dag, og vi ikke kunne regne med vores skema. Det var nemlig ”Seaman Sunday”. Det er vores kaptajn Ulrich som vælger hvornår vi får denne særlige dag. Dagen er nemlig en ”fridag” fra vores sædvanlige skema, kun dagmand og sejlvagt er de eneste med faste opgaver (vi skal jo have mad på bordet, og ikke sejle ind i noget). Vi har også muligheden under Sømands Søndag for at lufte hængekøjer, soveposer og madrasser. I dag var halvdelen af os dog uheldige, da der under luftningen af agter banje ting kom en kæmpe regnbyge. Alle var dog lynhurtige til at trodse regnen, og hjælpe med at få presenninger over det i en fart.
For os som dagmand betød det også at vi kun havde vagt fra kl. 6-12:30, hvorefter vi blev afløst af 1. skifte. Det er vores dejlige venskabsskifte i fore banje dæk. De havde indtil da sammen med næsten alle andre elever holdt fri hele dagen i det ellers dejlige solskinsvejr. Da de tog over fik vi chancen for at holde halvanden times fri, hvor vi måtte lave hvad vi ville. Jeg valgte at svare på en masse fødselsdagshilsner, som jeg endnu ikke havde haft tid til, undervejs røg der også noget snolder indenbords. Da klokken så ramte 14 skete der spændende sager. Besætning havde arrangeret en form for Skifte-Olympic, hvor vi skulle dyste mod hinanden. Vores maskinmester Simon var den store gamemaster som fik os igennem løjerne med højt humør. Dommerne dømte ud fra diverse kriterier, hvor af den vigtigste selvfølgelig var sikkerhed, fordi ”we are safety”. Ma, kunne få både bonus og minus point alt efter hvordan man som hold gennemførte de forskellige discipliner.
Første dyst var at se hvem der kunne fylde en store balje mest ved at kaste en spand ud over rælingen. Næste dyst var ”coil and hang”. Dysten foregik således, at man fik halvandet minut til at kludre diverse lines til riggen sammen, og derefter skulle man ”coil and hang”, hvilket ikke var det nemmeste under tidspres. Næste dyst var sværdkamp uden sanser, hvert skifte valgte en mand til at fægte også måtte bedste mand vinde, hvilket vi i 3. skifte selvfølgelig gjorde. Så havde vi powerwalk stafet, hvor vi så hvilket skifte der er hurtigst til at powerwalke. Den andensidste dyst var en olietøj mønstring. Vi skulle alle iføre os termokedeldragt, olietøj, søben, faldsikring og lave bodycheck hurtigst muligt. Det var en udfordring, men det tog alle 80 elever 10 minutter at stå klar. Vi alle stod dog og kamp svedte. Den sidste dyst var tovtrækning om sejren. Vi klarede første runde tovtrækning og skulle kæmpe om førstepladsen. Vi endte dog desværre med at tabe til 2. skifte. Da begivenhederne var ovre fik vi chancen for at holde et skifte møde. Vi fik snakket med hinanden om hvordan vi synes det gik, og havde man nogle indvendinger havde man muligheden for at komme ud med dem.
Efter var klokken blevet 17, og det var tid til at tage vores dagmand vagt igen og lade 1. skifte holde fri. Aftenen gik hurtigt med at gøre rent i messen efter aftensmaden, ordne det sidste vasketøj, og selvfølgelig tale om dagens begivenheder. Det har været en dejlig dag som er gået alt for stærk. Jeg håber vi får mange flere Seaman’s Sundays i varmen.
Det var lidt om vores helt specielle dag her til søs
/ Trainee no. 65 Anne P.
I dag var dagen hvor legende 1 og 2 var i opvasken, vi vaskede op som var der ingen dag i morgen, til tonerne af Wonderwall, Elton John, Rihanna og mange andre bangers flyvende ud af højtaleren.
Dagen startede ud som hos alle andre trainees der har været daymen kl 5:20, men vi kom vidst lige til at snooze lidt for længe og her finder man virkelig ud af talemåden you snooze, you lose, for klar skal man være til dagens arbejde.
Iført min hvide t-shirt, toppet op med knaldrøde regnbukser og et par søben og min trofaste makker, gik krigen i gang med nattevagternes opvask efter den berømte night tray, indtørrede havregryn, cornflakes og mælk havde ingen chance mod vores højtryksrenser og grydesvampe. Men hvad vi til gengæld ingen chance havde for at følge med i var opvasken fra kabyssen der dukkede op i lange baner, stakke af bakker, skåle og bestik dukkede op, og livet virkede hårdt og opvasken uoverskuelig.
Vi fik lokket den ene kok til at låne os sin højt elskede højtaler og i takt med at vi vibede til musikken og tonerne skabte god stemning, begyndte systemerne at kører og opvasken blev til en leg, et strategisk spil hvor vi selv skabte reglerne, og hurtigt fik overvundet den kæmpe opvask.
Midt i det hele som vi var bedst i gang, var det tid til, at skoleskibet atter stævnede ud fra havn, den her gang fra Funchal på Madeira og mod Gran Canaria, selv midt i en opvask skal der være tid til smile og vinke på rad og række på dækket, vinkende med vores jubel huer, til en nærmest rungende torden af tågehornet der hilser af for denne gang.
Aftenopvasken er den værste, men uden tvivl også der hvor vores opvaskeskills virkelig havde time to shine, vi fløj igennem den, som var vi et F16 fly på en mission. Vand fløj til højre og venstre, og der blev råbt SPLASH ZONE hver gang folk trådte ind ad døren til vores opvask. Tempoet var højt og intenst, for vi var på en mission, vi skulle være færdige, så vi kunne nå at se THE JULEKALENDER - dagens højdepunkt, uundværlig og afslappende. Men om sagt var vi legender, og med vores system og teknik formåede vi, at blive færdige på rekordtid og slog skoleskibets opvaskerekord. Bare 35 min efter, at de sidste var færdige med at spise, sad vi og så julekalender og var done, så selvudnævnt legende vil vi nu gerne stå inde for.
/ Trainee no. 22 Nadja
Halløjsa igen
I dag har været en begivenhedsrig dag hvor vi som sejlvagt har lavet en masse ting. For dem der startede på dækket, er morgenen begyndt med at trimme sejlene så vi kunne have en kurs med en god internetforbindelse.
For mig, som har været på rotation, og dermed været maskinvagt, ordonnans, udkig og rorgænger, har jeg bare nydt vejret, vinden og bølgerne hele formiddagen. Som rorgænger fik jeg lov til at styre efter vinden i sejlene for en periode, hvilket var nyt og spændende, fordi man skal holde sig på grænsen mellem god vind og ingen vind i sejlene. Jeg gjorde det åbenbart så godt at 3. styrmanden valgte at forfremme mig fra begynder til amatør.
Da jeg kom på dækket efter frokost, begyndte der at ske mange ting. Vi blev alle sendt op i riggen for tage sejsinger af flere sejl, og efterfølgende sætte dem. Vi stødte dog på problemer da vi skulle hejse storbramstagsejlet. Faldet har slidt på den blok det holdes i, og har derfor fået låst sig selv fast. Vi havde derfor rigtig svært ved at hejse det, og endte med til sidst at tage det ned igen, og det bliver ikke sat gien, før der er kommet en ny blok derop.
Derudover brugte vi meget tid ude på bovsprydet, fordi forrøjlstagsejlet har behov for at blive repareret. Derfor har vi først taget det af og derefter taget det ind ombord igen. Der har dog været små problemer hen ad vejen, f.eks. at sejlet endte med at sidde i klemme, der har fået det til at tage lang tid. Heldigvis fik vi det ind til sidst efter en masse arbejde.
Jeg har haft en rigtig god dag i dag, og bedre end jeg har haft det de sidste par dage. Jeg har haft nogle nætter med dårlig søvn og intet overskud om dagen. Men i dag har jeg været tilbage på mit normale energiniveau, måske endda højere. Jeg tror det har hjulpet at komme tilbage ud på havet, med en mere fast hverdag end vi har, når vi er i havn. Jeg glæder mig til resten af dette bed mod Kap Verde hvor der forhåbentlig er lige så god vind og godt vejr som der har været i dag.
/ Trainee no. 58 Noah
Hello Again!
Today has been an eventful day, where we as sailwatch has been doing a lot of stuff. For the people who started on deck, the day began with trimming for a course, where we could have a course with good internet.
For me that started on rotation where I have been engine watch, orderly, lookout and helmsman, I’ve been enjoying the weather, wind and waves all morning. As helmsman I got to steer after the wind, which was new and interesting, because you need to stay right in between good wind in the sails and no wind in the sails. Apparently, I did so well that the 3rd officer chose promote me from beginner to amateur.
When I arrived on deck after lunch, were we all sent aloft to unfurl sail, and set them afterwards. But we had some problems setting the mail topgallant staysail. The halyard has worn down the block it’s held in and has become stuck in the block. Therefore, we had a lot of trouble setting the sail, and ended up taking it down again. Now it is not going to get set before the block has been replaced.
We also spent a lot of time in the bowsprit, because the fore royal staysail needed to be repaired. So we first took it off the stay and afterwards we brought it in on deck. But we had a few more problems, for example that the sail got stuck, which lead to it taking quite some time getting in. But we succeeded in the end.
But in general I have been having a very good day today, better than the last few days. I have had night with bad sleep and days without energy. But today I have been back to the normal energy level. I think it has really helped to get back out at sea with more routine than when we are ashore. SO I am really looking forward to the next week until we arrive in Cape Verde, where we hopefully will have as much great weather as we have had today
/ Trainee no. 58 Noah
Sand, not so course and rough, but it gets everywhere
Here on board the previous day affect the next one, so to begin I had a night watch from 2 to 4. This was followed by one and a half hour of sleep. Then we got woken up a quarter to six. We had to be up and ready by six, so we (8. Mess) could take over the sail watch. After that short nap of an hour and a half, we were very sleepy. Not just me but the entire mess, so it was difficult to get out of the hammock and up and muster. But we somewhat managed, there were only a few guys who were late.
Now the watch had begun. I was on rotation, as orderly. Not much happened from then and until breakfast. The breakfast and lunch is a bit hurried, because you have to relive the people on rotation, or in my case. Being relived. The breakfast was nice. Went with the classic oat porridge and a bun. Afterwards I was lookout from 8 – 9. The sun had come, and everything all the lines had gotten a more red-ish tint from the sand, there coated everything. We were also still in the cloud of Saharan-sand, we had been sailing in for the last couple of days. During the lookout, there were not a lot to see, partially due to the dust cloud, partially because there wasn’t a lot to see out there. I saw a lot of flying fish jump out of the water, but that was about, what I saw. Not saying the watch was void of event. There played out quite the drama behind me. The sail watch was furling a sail behind me, and a loose gasket got wrapped around the radar. Which I later found out resulted in an emergency order to shot of the radar. People where quite rattled on the bridge. All I saw was a guy telling me to keep an extra sharp lookout, because the radar was out. After that I stood an hour at the Helm. Just when I came up we had to slow down the ship, to help the captain’s son hauling in a fish. He looked mighty proud, when he walked by the helm with it. The fish was pretty big, so I understand why. Otherwise nothing happened at the helm. My hour down in the engine was also uneventful.
After lunch I was sail watch. There didn’t happen much the first pair of hours, so the quartermaster made up a task, where we had to tie up the quarters robe-barrel in order to make it easier to carry around the ship. After the initial slow hours, there begun happening some more. We took three four sails down. Apparently we are sailing to fast, too arrived at Cape Verde at the scheduled time. After that we went up and furled the sails. As I mentioned earlier, there is sand everywhere, and the masts are no exception. So when we came down from the main mast, quartermaster Karen said we looked like a group of kindergartener fresh out of the sandbox. After that we went up and furled some more sails. I got to say. Laurits is good at that. He got up in the mast, furled a side of the sail almost singlehanded, and down again. On the time it took three trainees to furl the other side. Then there where brownie with mocha cream in the three-break, because Karen, the Quartermaster, had birthday, so that was very nice.
At last Line had what she called a power-hour. Apparently we had had a very slow day, so she wanted something to happen. Therefor we set/took in four sails in about half an hour, just for practice.
Then I had a nice and quiet dinner. Afterwards I have been writhing this diary and watching christmas-calender. Overall a very nice day, and now I will take a bath. Because I have sand everywhere. It’s so bad that my normally brown hair have gotten an orange tint to it. Goodnight
/ Trainee no. 80 Jens
Kære dagbog
Dagen startede tidligt, da vi blev vækket kl. 5:30, fordi vi skulle op og være dagens sejlvagt. Jeg var ikke på rotation fra morgenen af, i stedet var jeg sammen med 5 andre fra min bakke på dækket. Jeg lærte at lave grummets, og derefter hvordan man monterede dem på blokkene. Jeg elskede, at jeg kunne bruge det vi har lært i faget ”merlespir og sømandsskab” i praksis, det var totalt optur.
Efter middag kl. 12 skulle jeg på rotation, med start ved udkigsposten. Da jeg senere var rorgænger, sprang 1. styrmand Oliver lige pludseligt op fra sit udkig, for at skynde sig hen til hans fiskestænger. Jeg forstod ikke helt hvad der skete, før jeg så en kæmpe stor blue Marlin hoppe op fra vandet på bagbord side. Desværre var fisken alt for stærk til den snøre som den var hoppet på, så den undslap. Øv bøv.
Fra kl. 20 havde vi stilletime. Det betød at vi slukkede for alt på hele skibet. På selvsamme tid havde vi planlagt at gå et Luciaoptog rundt omkring på skibet. Vi var en god sjat elever som deltog, og vi var alle iklædt hvide lagner og lys. Det var enormt smukt, og da optoget var færdigt samledes vi alle, både elever og besætningsmedlemmer, på dækket hvor der blev delt lunede luciaboller ud. De var virkelig gode. Efterfølgende lagde jeg mig op på forecastle sammen med en masse andre elever, vi lå som sild i en tønde. Der lå vi alle sammen og nød stilheden og mørket til det fulde. Det var en smuk og vildt unik oplevelse. Jeg gik i seng med et kæmpe smil på læben.
Sov godt – Knus fra Kirstine
/ Trainee no. 17
I dag er det den 21. dec og jeg sidder nede i vores berthdeck og forsøger at huske alt det jeg har lavet i dag. Jeg har været sailwatch i dag. Det er den dag hvor man er dem der altid er på deck, klar til hvis der skal sættes sejl. I dag har været en dag hvor vi har lavet noget hele tiden som sailwatch. Lige fra morgenstunden hvor vi alle skulle hjælpe med at sætte main og fore-upper topsail. Dette gør man ved at hæve yarten som vejer 1,5 ton. Derfor skal vi være ca. 20 personer til at hæve den. Det er altid fedt at se skibet når alle er i fuld gang, og det kan jeg love for at jeg fik at se i dag og være en del af. Da jeg var rorgænger skulle vi lave en ’baring’. Det vil sige, at man laver en manøvre hvor man drejer væk fra vinden for så at sejle op til vinden. Når vi skal lave en ’baring’ så er alle på deck, for der er meget der skal gøres. Vi skal for det første have nogen på alle brazes, for der er meget der skal tammes, og så skal vi også have nogen ved vores staysails. Som I nok kan høre er der meget der skal gøres.
Så det var noget af en oplevelse at være ham der havde roret. Oppe fra roret har man også et godt udsyn ud over skibet hvor vi var omringet af 5-6 meter bølger og havde vind på ca. 40knot og med alt det skulle vi lave vores ’baring’. Imens vi laver manøvren så går vores inner-jib i stykker, og for første gang kom folk op i riggen for at prøve hvad det vil sige at stromfirle et sejl. Det var helt vildt at se, for de var helt vildt mange oppe i masten. Der var en lidt panisk, men koncentreret stemning. Jeg fik en fed følelse af, at det her, det kan sku noget helt særligt. Der fra hvor jeg stod, ved roret, så det godt ud, for alle hjælp hvor de kunne. Efter ’baring’-manøvren var overstået blev der roligt på decket og der var ikke så meget at lave efter det. Dagen sluttede med juleklip og Jul i Valhal.
/ Trainee no. 79 - Halfdan Isak
Kære dagbog… Eller hvordan hulen man nu starter sådan en. Men halløjsa!
I dag har 3. skifte haft ”vedligehold”. Dagen startede ud med at sove længe, indtil 7.30 og det er altid en fornøjelse, at få den ekstra times søvn. Det kan for det meste bruges på skibet her. Efter morgenmaden skulle der gøres rent og kl. 10, blev der kaldt baksmønstring. Nu skulle der laves noget ”vedligehold”. Folk blev stille og roligt delt ud på forskellige opgaver og som sidste mand tilbage stod jeg, nummer 61. Øjenkontakten til bådsmanden Line blev skærpet og ordene ”I have a special task for you” blev sagt med et stort smil, efterfulgt af ordene ”I suppose you know a little about tools”. Mit smil blev trukket helt om til ørene og jeg svarede frisk: ”yes!”
Da jeg er uddannet personvognsmekaniker, var det en kæmpe fornøjelse at få en lidt mere speciel opgave.
Vores ”accommodation ladder” manglede at få et beslag til gelænderet monteret. Dog passede de gamle huller ikke mere og en anden elev, blev dagen forinden, sat til at lime en træprop i hullet. Mit job var så at slibe træet ned, så det var helt pænt og plan med overfladen. Passende værktøj blev fundet frem og arbejdet kunne begynde. Da træet var slebet ned, skulle der bores et nyt hul således, det passede med det nye beslag. Beslaget blev monteret med nye blanke, flotte bolte og trappen var igen klar til at blive brugt.
Fun fact: Skibets ”accommodation ladder” er den originale fra 1933 og bliver stadig brugt
Vedligehold er generelt en ret fed dag, især når man kommer med en baggrund som faglært.
/ Trainee no. 61 - Peter
Hello dear reader and a very merry Christmas. This is number 55 reporting for diary duty.
Today has been the most special so far on the entire voyage. As one may expect we trainees have been given some slack around Christmas, such as for most people to sleep in and snooze. I was up at 8 o’clock and starting the day out in the engine room. After an hour I got quite surprised as the crew had prepared something a little extra special for us trainees - A little bathing session in the waters around the ship, something not every voyage gets to enjoy. After a lovely swim we got to the Christmas brunch, which consisted of a ‘fancy’ porridge and leftover duck from the Christmas dinner. Shortly after my watch was over and I could join in on the small daily tasks – such as singing along to Christmas music, or enjoying the nice warm sun. Another nice little surprise awaited us, because as 40 trainees got shore leave. The crew of Neptune, a Danish schooner, joined us and we shared our experiences onboard our separate ships. And boy is there an ocean of difference in how you can sail the same waters.
We enjoyed the company of Neptune for many hours – so much so that the crew forced us to separate from them, to make us work.
In the evening we got the opportunity to get at rowing session in the long boats (the boats on the aft side part of the ship). When it became our turn it had turned dark, so we had to wear headbands with light to navigate safely. It became really handy when a ship came quite close to us they started to turn and honk. You could call me a kind of Rudolph the Reindeer.
As the last part of a day to remember we have arranged a christmas quiz, on the initiative of the trainees. Something that maybe captivates the spirit onboard; we really try to improve the expierence for all of us.
Now I need some sleep, so I wish everybody a merry christmas and a happy new year. May your fortune only change for the better. And enjoy your bed, that all trainees envy you.
/ Trainee no. 55
Vi har de flotteste sejl dage for tiden. Vandet er helt stille og der er god sol. Jeg startede som vagthavende elev på vores nattevagt 4-6. Det var Anders vores 2. officer, der var på vagt, og vi hyggede helt vildt. Marcus vores 2. kvartermester kom ned i vores banje til morgen og bad om hjælp med at brase, så jeg skyndte mig op på dækket for at hjælpe, men da jeg kom derop var hele sejlvagten smuttet, så det var kun mig og ham, men det skulle ikke sætte en stopper for noget, og vi gav den fuld los.
Jeg havde rød dag i dag, så jeg havde praktisk sømandskab med Nadja om formiddagen, hvor vi arbejdede videre på vores wire splejs, det er fedt at prøve at arbejde med et andet materiale, men det er også lidt udfordrende. Fordi vejret var så godt i dag, og der blev spottet en bøje, lavede vi også en ”Mand Over Bord”-øvelse, hvor vi sendte vores speedbåd ud med to fra besætningen for at ”redde” den.
Med alle de stille sejldage har der ikke været meget rig arbejde for os, men det var der i dag. Så Albert nr. 1 og jeg smuttede op på Royal for at sætte sejlet løs, så det kunne blive sat. Vi arbejder altid rigtig godt sammen i riggen, så det er altid en fornøjelse. I dag skulle vi også sætte overmærsene, som kræver mange mennesker til at løfte råen. Det gør vi normalt med hånd over hånd, men man kan også lave en manøvre, hvor man løber det op, hvilket er mega sjovt. Så vi gjorde klar ved rebene, og da Nadja sagde GO, kom der fart på, og vi løb næsten 80 mennesker rund på række med rebet i hånden og på under et minut har vi løftet to overmærs sejl på noget der ligner 2,5 ton hver.
For mig er det dage med fede manøvre, der gør det sjovt at sejle, så nu må vi nyde de sidste dage.
/ Trainee no. 37 - Andrea
A busy Sunday as engine dayman...
Today I woke up early, as I was to be engine dayman. It is a day I have been looking forward to, because I know that an engineer drinks a lot of coffee and takes long breaks.
Therefore, to start the day as a proper engine dayman, I had a wonderful Sunday breakfast, bacon and egg and a cup of coffee. The most important task for me this day, is to hoist the Dannebrog flag, at the morning muster. Nice and easy it goes up, with the beautiful sunrise and mirror looking water.
After the daily news from the Captain and from Chief Officer Nadja, it is time to start the day. I met up with the 2. Engineer Pernille, to go through the plan of the day. Therefore, we started out doing the daily soundings on the water and oil tanks. After that, we checked up, on the running hours for all the engine gear.
Then it was time for a long coffee break.
In the afternoon, I did a bit of clean up in the engine department, and I wiped up some leaks from the FRICHS engine, as she has been working hard the past couple of days, because the wind has not been so present. Therefor I also got to see how to turn off, and turn on the old FRICHS engine, as we have been shifting around going by sails and engine, in order for us to reach Malaga, within the near future.
The day as an engine dayman ended out with a good meal and Sunday ice cream. Afterwards we saw the most beautiful sunset and had the first rain in a long time.
Another beautiful, relaxed Sunday as engine dayman had ended. Of course with a coffee on the forecastle.
/ Trainee no. 36
Mit skifte sov længe i dag, dvs. til 7.30. Jeg gik på bakken for at børste mine tænder, og der stod jeg med lukkede øjne, og lod solens stråler varme mit morgentrætte ansigt. Endnu en dag på skoleskibet DANMARK, hvor ingen dage er ens.
I dag var grøn dag. Grøn dag starter ud med den daglige rengøring. Trainee heads, som vi kalder vores toiletter, har en form for tiltrækningskraft til mine fingre, når vi skal trække rengøringsområde. Heldigvis var der tre andre som også var heldige, at trække det samme område. Herude er man aldrig alene om tingene - ikke engang om at stå med hovedet i toiletkummen kl. 9.10 om morgenen.
Resten af dagen stod på Maintenance. Det er en dag, hvor vi vedligeholder skibet på forskelligvis. Det er en af mine favoritdage. Dels fordi det er et afbræk fra undervisningen, og dels fordi det er fedt at arbejde på skibet og fordybe sig i en opgave. Samtidig har man mulighed for at få nogle gode snakke med dem, man er blevet sat i arbejde med. Det er sjældent der er tid til længere samtaler i hverdagens rul ombord, så dét er en ting jeg virkelig nyder.
Jeg spenderede min dag med Christian fra Fur. Med ham er man sikret godt selskab og gode grin. Under vores arbejde hører vi pludselig nogen råbe ”WHALE” fra hoved dæk. Maritimt dyreliv er som en elev-magnet, og jeg forstår godt hvorfor. Det er noget helt specielt, at sejle herude på Atlanterhavet og opleve den vilde natur og vejr. Det var en stor grindehval der svømmede rundt omkring skibet. Meget hyggeligt.
Et andet højdepunkt på dagen var da vi arbejdede med sejl. Efter frokost kom Overstyrmand, Nadja, ned i vores banje og spurgte om hjælp til at sætte sejl. På sådan en smuk dag som i går, er det en ren fornøjelse at gå i riggen. Især med det i mente, at vi har kortere og kortere tid tilbage ombord på DANMARK. Da vi kom ned fra riggen blev der kaldt ’Alle på dæk’. Vi skulle hæve over mærsene, så det kunne blive sat. Det kan vi gøre ved at løbe rundt på dækket alle mand, med rebet i hånden. Det er altid en enormt fed følelse når alle er på dæk, for det er virkelig dér hvor man mærker hvad fællesskab og samarbejde for alvor kan. Kort tid efter blev der kaldt til eftermiddagspause. Med sved på panden vandrede de fleste af os hen for at hapse banankage og iskaffe. Det er ren luksus når vi får den slags og der er ingen tvivl om, at det bliver nydt til fulde. Den lækre overraskelse nød jeg på bakken i armene på mine gode venner.
Inden vores nattevagt kl. 18 stod jeg igen og kiggede på horisonten, hvor solen var ved at gå ned. Det skabte lyserøde nuancer på himlen, hvor skyerne lå langt nede mod horisonten. Havet bevægede sig med store og silkebløde bevægelser. Som vores kaptajn Karl siger hver morgen ”Another beautiful day at the Atlantic ocean”.
/ Trainee no. 41 - Klara
Vi nærmer os slutningen på togtet, og det kan godt begynde at mærkes. På den ene side savner man alt det derhjemme, familie og venner. Men på den anden side håber man at eventyret aldrig slutter. Man er hele tiden i gang og der er altid nogen at snakke med.
Vejret er meget godt her for tiden, men vinden er dårlig så vi sejler desværre for motor. Det er vildt at tænke på at vi går rundt i shorts og t-shirts, mens de hjemme i Danmark har snestorm.
I dag har været en skøn dag. Dagen startede med en omgang rengøring, det er jo som rengøring er… Men derefter stod den på vedligehold. Her skulle jeg op i ”stor top” hvor vi skulle sørge for at der ikke var fedt uden på fedtniplerne, så vi skulle sådan set bare rengøre. Det skulle jeg gøre sammen med elev 79 som jeg snakker rigtig godt med. Vi hyggede os med at gå ud på alle ”råerne” og endda helt op i spidsen af masten. At man er på alle ”råerne” på en dag, er ikke noget jeg har prøvet før og det var en meget fed oplevelse. Da vi var færdige med vedligehold havde vi den tidlige nattevagt fra 18-22. Her skulle jeg på rotation. Da jeg stod udkig dukkede der en masse morild op, det i sig selv var virkelig pænt! Men for at gøre det hele meget vildere kom der også delfiner, som lyste helt op på grund af morilden. Det var et helt vildt syn. Det er jeg meget taknemlig for at have oplevet.
/ Trainee no. 47
Kl. 01.40 blev 3. skifte vækket klar til nattevagt fra kl. 02-04. Det første jeg bemærkede, da jeg stadig lidt søvndrukken trådte op på dækket fra banjerne, var stjernerne. Natten var kulsort, men stjernerne stod så klare, som det er muligt.
Nattevagten var stille og rolig. Efter at have 'slå fast' to bramstagsejl, lyttede vi til nogle af kvartermester Laurids' vilde røverhistorier fra sin tid til søs. Jeg sluttede vagten af i kabyssen sammen med to af mine venner fra bakken. På et rigtig fint initiativ af en af de andre, begyndte vi at bage pandekager til alle elever og besætning i anledning af, at vi i går rundede 5000 sømil på togtet. Kl. 04 overrakte vi stegepanderne til 1. skifte, så vi kunne hoppe ned i banjen og putte os i vores hængekøjer i 1,5 time inden det var tid til at stå op kl. 5.40.
Det er ikke noget problem at stå op to gange på et døgn, når man står op til en solopgang som den, vi havde i dag, og jeg kan love jer for, at det var en glædelig overraskelse for mange med pandekager til morgenmaden. Himlen havde alle regnbuens farver, og solen var lun lige fra morgenstunden. Vi havde udkig til La Palma, og her lå vi og hyggede os hele formiddagen. Vandet var tæt på spejlblankt. Flere sejl var sat, men vi bevægede os mere bagud end fremad. Så meget vind var der.
Mens vi ventede på at vinden skulle tage til, brugte vi formiddagen på at sy en lap på fokken, mens sejlet var sat. Det krævede flere hænder at holde sejlet ned til dækket, alt imens vi sad tre mand om symaskinen og forsøgte at sy lige, mens sejlet blafrede stille frem og tilbage på trods af den ikkeeksisterende vind.
Mens vi syede fokken, fik vi besøg af en stor flok delfiner. Jeg tror, de havde en lige så stille og rolig morgen, som vi havde, for i stedet for at springe og lege, som vi efterhånden så ofte har set, flød de stille og roligt rundt i overfladen af vandet og lignede nogle, der nød det gode vejr og den bagende sol.
Kl. 12 startede jeg på rotation som udkig. Seks timer gik med at holde udkig, stå bag roret, holde vagt i maskinrummet og være på dæk som ordenance. Kl. 18 blev der serveret mad for fore banje, og 3. skifte kunne hermed holde fyraften.
I bakken har vi ofte snakket om, hvordan det er underligt, at vi lever så tæt ombord på skibet, men kender så lidt til hinandens liv derhjemme. I dag fortalte vi derfor hver især hvordan vi bor hjemme i Danmark. Det var et hyggeligt indblik i hinandens liv og en god afslutning på dagen.
Endnu en fantastisk smuk dag på Atlanterhavet, og trainee no. 49 er endnu engang klar til at hoppe glad og tilfreds i hængekøjen.
/ Trainee no. 49 - Emilie